I coach in English, French and Spanish
"Philippe helped me find my way at a pivotal moment in my professional and personal life. He helped me to put into words my desire for professional development, my strengths and my limitations. He encouraged me to look for and find my deepest values and to bring them into line with reality and my professional and family environment. He helped me to accept the situation and turn it into a strength, enabling me to bounce back through work and a true and sincere exchange. Thanks to him, I feel in a position to face up to the ups and downs that are part and parcel of our humanity."
"An extraordinary experience! Philippe helped me to better understand who I am and to become a little more friendly with myself. I'm able to understand and therefore manage my reactions better. I've gained in confidence!"
"Philippe nous a accompagnés durant plusieurs mois dans le cadre professionnel . Nos échanges réguliers et constructifs, basés sur une relation de confiance, m’ont permis de mieux percevoir et comprendre les attentes de mes collaborateurs. J'ai maitenant du plaisir à accompagner l'équipe dans la définition de ses priorités et à les encourager dans leur développement. De plus, maintenant, demander du feedback ou oser dire « non » pour protéger l’équipe est devenu naturel et facile."
"Thanks to the work I've done with Philippe, I'm less stressed, I'm better prepared, and my work/life balance has improved."